
Mateusz Hańderek

mobile 888-088-868


Legal services for economic entities.

  • Complex services
  • Corporate matters
  • Medical law
  • Public procurement law
  • Bankruptcy law
  • Administrative case
  • Geological and mining law
  • Debt collection

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MH LEGAL offers entrepreneurs complex services in all legal aspects. Within the framework of the agreement, the scope of services can envisage regular visits in the client’s office or, for example, maximum reaction time (e.g. 3 days for an answer in any case). Clients concluding agreements of complex legal services have a guaranteed bonus (10%) for hourly fees in comparison with clients serviced only within the framework of a given case. The scope of legal services also covers taking part in negotiations, mediation, risk analysis and advice on contract conclusion.
Advice in all corporate aspects, e.g. in creating and transforming companies, drafting company agreements and their modifications. Representation of clients in registry proceedings.
Providing legal services in the scope of broadly understood medical law, i.e. all legal requirements for conducting medical activity and pharmacy/pharmaceutical wholesaler. Representation before administrative bodies and self-government authorities in matters regarding necessary permits. Preparation and advice in drafting internal documents regulating the activity of a medical entity.
Representation of entrepreneurs, both Ordering Parties and Contractors, in matters where public procurement law applies. In case of such necessity, representation before the National Chamber of Appeal and preparation of necessary letters (appeals, responses to appeals, accessions etc.).
MH LEGAL specializes in legal services in the scope of bankruptcy law, including debt collection in bankruptcy proceedings (preparation of receivables applications, objections of the receivables list) and representation of the bankrupt (or the court supervisor/syndic) in bankruptcy proceedings. MH LEGAL offers a service of bankruptcy cases monitoring system, thanks to which it is easier to keep the time limits resulting from law.
Handling for clients of administrative and court-administrative cases connected with conducted economic activity, i.e. e.g. cases regarding permits, concessions, matters in the scope of waste management. Preparing appeals, complaints to Voivodeship Administrative Courts and cassation complaints to Supreme Administrative Court and representation of clients before administrative bodies and administrative courts.
Advice and performance of services to entrepreneurs conducting activity connected with mining. Representation of such clients both in proceedings for obtainment of concession for deposit recognition, excavation of minerals, as well as court disputes with third parties regarding claims envisaged by law.
Providing complete service for entrepreneurs in scope of debt collection, in all phases of the case (also in negotiations with the debtors). MH LEGAL offers services of electronic debt collection (including mass debt collection) with the usage of a computer system designed for purposes of the office: E-office